Friday, May 20, 2011

Working Away

My work at the university ended about a week ago and I have been so busy! I found part-time employment for the summer (yeah! money will still come in) and I have been crafting like crazy. I finished the party invites for #4's graduation.

I also completed a shutterfly book of our spring break trip to San Francisco - it should be in before her party.  Also did a 7 Gypsies artist tray for her dance pictures. When time permits, I'll do a full out book but with the party just a few weeks away and me starting a new job, the tray will have to suffice.

I'll be hitting the scrapbook room every chance I get over the next week. I want to have her book as up-to-date as possible before her party. I'll update as I go. Have a good one!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mothers Day

Believe it or not, I actually got my cards made for my mother and grandmother a week ahead of time! That's big for me. It's usually the night before and I'm in the craft room stressing over what to do. I'll have to post pictures later, I was waiting for the liquid embossing product to dry.  I am also going to be finishing up a little booklet I am making for #4 to use for all the senior pictures she has been receiving (fingers crossed) hopefully tonight.

**Update* Here are the pictures of the cards I made and yes, I was able to finish the booklet I made for #4 to keep senior pictures in. Pictures below.
Here's the card I did for my mom.

Here's the card for my grandmother.

This is the cover to the book I made for my daughter. It is a 6x6 book spiral bound. There are 11 pages inside, enough to hold 22 senior pictures.

This is a view of the inside of the book. She took the book to school and will have everyone who gave her a picture sign the book.